Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Creativity and New Media

I opened an account in Second life website and created an avatar.  I chose a hot classic rock club as destination and also met friends there.  I changed my outfits and accessories. I can also modifies the avatar for different styles based on where I go.  I can use my own imaginations to create the character. 
More over, I can choose other avatars as well or go for many other events. 


  1. My avatar has been at the same location. It is fascinating how real the Second Life wold looks. Avatars have their own money, they go shopping, they go out, they meet new people.

  2. I also created an account on Second Life, what are your thoughts on the game? I was a little overwhelmed with the interface and found it kind of confusing and a little creepy. The concept is cool but I cant see myself spending too much time playing this game. Did you know that people actually make money in the game and quit their day jobs? Heres an article about how a realtor made $1 million selling virtual property.. http://www.gamespot.com/news/second-life-realtor-makes-1-million-6162315 Its crazy!

  3. I agree with you when you say that the interface of the game looked a little bit confusing. It took me a while to figure out how to use all the tools offered. It is true that some people spend the majority of their time playing the game. Many of them like the idea of engaging into a relationship of a different kind without any effort. I was surprised how many people were willing to start a conversation with my avatar because it is easy and not awkward, unlike in the reality.
